Joining Details
Requests to join the club should be made via the Contact Form on this website stating also your level of experience, Novice, Intermediate or Experienced/Professional..  Potential new members can also be introduced by existing members by accompanying them to a club meeting.  In these circumstances that meeting will count as their free meeting and they will be required to complete the contact form with their details and pay by or at the following month's meeting (see below).
Membership application is not permitted via the club Facebook page.
Membership Details

Membership of Shipley Camera Club runs from January to December each year with an annual subscription of £24.00.
Subscriptions are payable by cash at our club meeting alternatively by cheque or Bank Transfer to Shipley Camera Club.  Annual fees are fixed at the January AGM and renewals fall due at that meeting and must be paid in full by the end of February.

New members are invited to attend the first club meeting free of charge after which membership is payable on or before the following club meeting, Membership fees will be pro-rata for the year at the committee's discretion.

Benefits of Membership
Membership of the club entitles the member to attend our club nights and any organised events and also authorises them to apply to join our Facebook, Flickr and Instagram groups.

Membership fees also include basic Public Liability Insurance (PLI) when attending any meetings, organised events or group meet-ups.
There will be a few locations and/or circumstances where the PLI is not valid, for example when the member has been asked to sign a disclaimer for the event.  More details about PLI cover are in the Members Handbook.

We have quite a few members that organise mini meet-ups between themselves and these may also enable one-to-one assistance for the less experienced members. If assistance is required the member is responsible for making this known to the organiser who can then assess how and who is best to assist.

Following our ethos of being beginner-friendly, small tuition groups or one-to-one tuition can be arranged as and when required.

Members are also invited to submit up to 10 images to be shown i
n the Member's Galleries.  These can be replaced at various times as the member wishes up to a maximum of 4 times a year.  Members images also available to view on our Flickr Page and also on this site in the Member's Galleries.
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