All club meetings begin with a club update and Welcome to any new members
January 10th 2024 – Club Annual General Meeting  7.30pm – 9.30pm
Committee Reports, Vote for Committee Members, Display of Members Photos from 2023

February 7th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Andrew Holland and a live model provide a practical evening with advice on lighting setups and effects. Bring your camera!!
February 28th – Committee Meeting 7.30pm at Hawthorne Farm by Leeds Bradford Airport tunnel roundabout (Committee Members only)
March 6th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Brian White will give an overview and demonstrate the basics of Adobe Lightroom
April 10th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Open Evening - Lots of different practical things to try, Professional Model will be available. Open to all members and non members so invite anybody that might be interested. Bring your camera, strobes and lenses and also any items that might be interesting to photograph. 
Plenty of help will be available for those less experienced. 
May 1st – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Paul Marfell will give an overview and demonstrate the basics of Darktable.  Darktable is a free program similar to Lightroom.
May 5th – Keighley Bus Museum Open Day
10am - 4pm  Riverside Technology Park off Dalton Lane, Keighley, BD21 4JP.  This event posted for info only. Not an official Camera Club event. Organise meets and car shares via the club Facebook page or WhatsApp groups.

May 11th- 12th – Race the Waves -1/8 mile Drag Race at Bridlington South Beach
10am onwards More details on their website This event posted for info only. Not an official Camera Club event. Organise meets and car shares via the club Facebook page or WhatsApp groups.
June 5th – Outdoor Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm NOTE THE NEW LOCATION!
Treasure Hunt - Lister Park, North Park Road, Bradford BD9 4NR. Meet outside Cartwright Hall at 7:30 
Keep an eye on the club FB pages and WhatsApp Group for updates.
June 12th – Committee Meeting 7.30pm (Committee Members only)
June 15th- 16th – Street Weekend - Car, Bike & Dragster Racing Race at Melbourne Raceway, York  Tickets £11 pppd 8am - 5pm More details on their website This event posted for info only. Not an official Camera Club event. Organise meets and car shares via the club Facebook page or WhatsApp groups.
July 3rd – Club Meeting 7.30pm  - 9.30pm Hirst Wood Nature Reserve - Bradford
Meet Hirst Wood Car Park no later than 7:30pm & don't forget to bring your camera!
August 5th to September 2nd – Shipley Camera Club Exhibition - Shipley Indoor Market
Please get your images ready to submit 8x10 3 images, per member asap. Please include image title and order of preference (1,2,3) in the filename to aid with displaying. Member pays £5 per image displayed, Club will pay the balance. 100% of any sales will go to the photographer.
Club are arranging printing and mounting. Anybody willing to help please contact Graham Keegan.
August 14th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm - Model Shoot in Lister Park
Andrew Holland has arranged for one or two models for a club photoshoot in Lister Park. This is a great location and Andrew will be on hand to give guidance and advice as needed.
NOTE: This meeting has been moved back one week from the 7th due to circumstances beyond our control.

August 23rd-26th (Aug Bank Holiday) - 45th Shipley Harley Davidson Rally, Baildon
Ride-out 1:00pm on Sunday 25th, always a popular event and worth attending with your cameras.
August - Yorkshire Balloon Fiesta - This event has been CANCELLED for 2024
This is not an organised club event.

(Note: This event is weather dependent and may be changed without notice)
Further details here:
September 4th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Fun Print Competition. Pick your favourite print or send one image per category to Brian White for printing.( Sept Print comp as Subject Line.
Categories are: Landscape, Portrait, Nature and Open. Open for any image that does not fit the three named categories.
High resolution jpg (NO RAW files please) cropped to size 10x8 preferred for ease of viewing (contact a committee member if you need help with the cropping/resolution). Members get to keep their prints with no cost to them.

September 4th – Committee Meeting 7.30 pm (Committee Members only)
October 2nd – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Practical night using tablets to illuminate objects. Plenty of help will be available.
Don't forget to bring your camera with plenty of space on the SD card, a full battery and tripod if you have one (if you don't there will be ones to use)
October 19th & 20th – Northern Off-Road Club  Sat 12 noon to 3:45pm, Sun 9.30am – 15.30pm
Tong (Parkwood Outdoors),Tong Lane, Bradford, BD4 0RR
For those who like motorsport get along to this. Plenty of thrills, spills and photo opportunities.
November 1st – Listers Lanterns 6.00pm – 8.00pm Lister Park, Bradford
Lots to photograph and hone your low-light skills. A short event that has plenty to offer for photo opportunities. Our members have enjoyed this in the past with a lot of success.
November 6th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Mobile phone showcase.  Show your images taken exclusively using your mobile phone/tablet camera. Images e-mail to with Nov Meeting in the subject line or IM attachment to Brian White
December  4th – 7:30 Christmas Party / Get-together
Venue TBA
December 11th – Committee Meeting 7.30 pm via Jitsi (Committee Members only)
January 8th 2025 – Club Annual General Meeting  7.30pm – 9.30pm
This meeting is a week later, 8th NOT the 1st.
Also after AGM - Fun quiz, a mixture of photography related questions and general knowledge, nothing too taxing!!

Events under consideration:
Astro Photography Talk
Studio Night (possibly at Opus again)
Models in a park (probably Lister Park for its scenery)
Model Railways
Undercliffe Cemetery (Strictly Victorian area only)
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