1- Name of Club
     1- The club shall be called “Shipley Camera Club” by which name it shall be known in all its transactions.
2- Objectives of the Club
     1- To educate and encourage all members to advance their photographic knowledge and extend their creative talents by lectures, tuition, discussion and debates, competitions and in any other way deemed suitable by the Committee.
3- Constitution of the Club
     1- These rules will be published on the Club’s website.
     2- Membership of the Club shall be open to all regardless of age, gender, race, religion or disability with all members enjoying equal privileges under these rules.
     3- Any members under the age of sixteen shall be accompanied to meetings by a responsible adult.
     4- No limit will be placed on the numbers of members to the Club.
     5- For the transaction of the Club’s business there shall be selected annually, by nomination and ballot at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), a Committee consisting of a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Events Organiser and Internet/Social Media Officer. Other officers may be co-opted by resolution of the Committee
(Following the resolution passed at the 2024 AGM the position of President/Chairperson has changed to Honorary President which has been awarded to the club founder Andrew Holland as a lifelong non-active committee position exempt from annual subscriptions).
     6- The Committee (a minimum of three to form a quorum) shall have the authorisation to fill up any vacancies as they occur in the committee and also make such bye -laws as may, from time to time, be deemed expedient.
     7- The Club’s year shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
     8-  An Annual General Meeting shall be held in January in each year with each Club member being notified of such, a minimum of fourteen days prior to the date set.
     9- Items on the agenda should be:
         a) The minutes of the last AGM which should be read and approved including any amendments that may arise.
         b) The Treasurer’s report including the audited accounts for the year.
         c) The reports of other officers as necessary.
         d) The Election of Committee for the coming year.
         e) Any other business.
     10- Should any member wish to raise any points for discussion at the AGM then these should be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days before the date of the AGM.
4- Conditions of Membership
     1- There will be an annual fee for membership at a price fixed at the AGM
     2- The committee reserves the right to withdraw Club membership should a member’s actions or behaviour cause embarrassment to the committee, members, or bring the name of the Club into disrepute.
     3- Any person being 3 months in arrears shall be considered to have resigned.
     4- Any person shall, upon ceasing to be a member of the Club, forfeit all rights to take part in the activities of the Club or retain any property of the club.
     5- Each member must provide the secretary with a current email address, postal address and contact phone number. Any change in contact details must be communicated to the Secretary at the earliest opportunity. All notices sent to such an address will be deemed to have been delivered.
     6-  No member will be allowed to use the Club for commercial purposes but will be permitted to advertise goods or services to members or others either via the club newsletter or other club publication.
5- Rules of Membership
     1- At all times there will be a zero tolerance of sexism, racism, general bullying, foul/abusive language or excess of alcohol.  Those found not following this rule will be subject to either a conduct report or even instant removal subject to circumstances and all under the full agreement of the committee
6- Privileges of Membership
     1- On being accepted as a member of the Club and having paid full subscription, a member shall be entitled on application to the Secretary to use photographic equipment belonging to the Club.
     2- Members are at liberty to introduce visitors to any of the usual meetings of the Club, but the Committee shall have the authority to refuse admission or limit the number of such visitors.
 7- Subscriptions
     1- The annual subscription for each ensuing year will be reviewed and fixed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be paid no later than the last day of February.
     2- New members joining the Club during the Club year can be charged a pro-rata rate of subscription commencing the month following their initial meeting.  The prospective new member may attend their first/introductory meeting Free of Charge.
8- Accounts
     1- The accounts of the Club shall be audited annually by the treasurer these to be elected at the A.G.M. A copy of the balance sheet made up to December 31st shall be available for each member.
     2- The funds of the Club shall be under the control of the Committee and all accounts passed by them. No accumulated funds shall be paid as dividends, gifts, divisions or bonuses unto or between any of the Club members.
     3- The Club can only be wound up at an A.G.M. or Special General Meeting if two thirds of the Club members present vote in favour of a winding motion.
     4- Assets of the Club, in the event of closure will be evenly shared out throughout the remaining members.
9- Special General Meetings
     1- A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Committee on the requisition of eight members, such requisition to be sent in writing to the Secretary, along with every Club member being informed fourteen days before the date of the proposed meeting. The reason for the meeting, and the business to be discussed, should be included in the request.
     2- In all cases of Special General Meetings, no business shall be transacted except that stated on the requisition and notice calling a meeting.
     3- No rule shall be altered except at a Special General Meeting or Annual General Meeting and a minimum of fourteen days notice shall be given of such meetings at which any alteration of rules is to be considered. Particulars of any proposed alteration of the rules to be made known to all members.
10- Interpretation
     1- In case any matter arising that is not provided for in these rules, or by the objectives of the Club, or there are any doubts as to the interpretation of such rules or objectives, the same shall be determined by the Committee whose ruling shall be final.
11- Bye-law
     1- Members of the Club shall conform to any rules and regulations of the premises the Committee has hired on behalf of the Club and for the purpose of holding an official Club function.

Document Revision A.  dated January 2024 (See Media Files for master document and revisions data.
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