My name is Andrew Holland, and I have been a keen photographer probably for the last 10 years or so.
My current journey into photography began after my wife bought me a Canon 1200D with kit lens app 10 years ago just before a trip to Tavira in Portugal.
I spent a couple of hours wandering round the old parts photographing the ruined old broken doors and windows.
I look back now at these old images and although they were ‘okay’ I can see now how my journey has progressed.
I have spent a lot of time trying to ‘perfect’ my knowledge on a huge range pf photographic genre from wildlife to photographing rock bands, landscape, night photography, a little ‘urbexing’ and I also quote myself as now being a semi-professional photographer as I have taken the huge leap into wedding photography.
When I say "perfecting" I use this term very loosely as I find with photography no matter how much I learn a subject I always find there is still more that is available.
More recently I have turned my hand to portrait photography - especially the model variety and something which I now spend most of my time doing.
My current journey into photography began after my wife bought me a Canon 1200D with kit lens app 10 years ago just before a trip to Tavira in Portugal.
I spent a couple of hours wandering round the old parts photographing the ruined old broken doors and windows.
I look back now at these old images and although they were ‘okay’ I can see now how my journey has progressed.
I have spent a lot of time trying to ‘perfect’ my knowledge on a huge range pf photographic genre from wildlife to photographing rock bands, landscape, night photography, a little ‘urbexing’ and I also quote myself as now being a semi-professional photographer as I have taken the huge leap into wedding photography.
When I say "perfecting" I use this term very loosely as I find with photography no matter how much I learn a subject I always find there is still more that is available.
More recently I have turned my hand to portrait photography - especially the model variety and something which I now spend most of my time doing.