All club meetings begin with a club update and Welcome to any new members
January 11th 2023 – Club Annual General Meeting  7.30pm – 9.30pm
Committee Reports, Vote for Committee Members, YPU discussion

February 1st – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
How to upload images to albums on the Club Facebook group and also adding images to the clun Flickr group followed by How to Create a Photo Video and put it to music plus a demo of finished videos. Andrew Holland/Alan Barber
February 25th February (Saturday) – Evening Shoot at Media City, Salford Quays 6pm - 9/10pm
A chance to capture the fantastic illuminations at this iconic venue. A lot of effort and paperwork has gone into organising this event so would be good to have a maximum turnout. Register your interest on the club Facebook Page Event. Contact a Committee Member if you need transport or wish to share.
March 1st – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Rais Hasan will give a talk and slideshow on his Photographic Journey and Architectural Photography.  Rais is a very entertaining speaker - Not to be missed!
March 7th - Ripon City Wetlands - Starling Murmerations. Meet 5pm
Meet 5pm at canalside car park, along a bit on the opposite side to Screwfix from Ripon or opposite Travis Perkins from Boroughbridge/Ripon Racecourse.
No club meeting this month due to The Saltaire Bar being closed for a few weeks.
April 16th – Wildlife Shoot at St Aidens with wildlife photographer Dan Night
Meet at St Aidens at 10am.  Details and map here:
April 19th – Committee Meeting 7.30pm via Google Meet (Committee Members only)
April 20th- 23 – Race the Waves -1/8 mile Drag Race at Bridlington South Beach
10am onwards This event posted for info. Not an official club event. Organise meets and car shares via the Facebook page.
April 26th – Social Evening and meal at Shimla Spice, Shipley
10am onwards
Organiser: Rais Hasan
May 3rd – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Open Evening - Lots of different practical things to try, Professional Model will be available. Open to all members and non members so invite anybody that might be interested. Bring your camera, strobes and lenses and also any items that might be interesting to photograph. 
Plenty of help will be available for those less experienced. 

May 21st – York Birds of Prey 
£30 per person.  Meet at YBP  Centre 10:30 for 10:45 start. Finish 4pm (Min 10 photographing members required for this event to proceed) Full payment via online banking required by 14th May please.  Non-photographing members/guests £10 pay on the day.
June 7th– Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Treasure Hunt - Location TBA.  Keep an eye on the club FB Group page for updates.
June 21st – Committee Meeting 7.30pm (Committee Members only)
July 5th – Club Meeting 7.30pm  - 9.30pm
Andrew Holland talks about the club, it's foundation and how the idea came about.

NOTE: July and August topics have now been reversed. Andrew is July and Dan is August.
August 2nd – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Dan Knight talk and slideshow on his Wildlife Safari to photograph bears in the wild.
August 13th - Blackpool Airshow
Starts 12noon.
Organiser: Sean Gibson
August 25th to 28th – Yorkshire Balloon Fiesta at CASTLE HOWARD see link for details
This is not an organised club event.
(Note: This event is weather dependent an
d may be changed without notice)
Schedule and further details here:
September 6th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Fun Print Competition. Pick your favourite print or send one image per category to Brian White for printing.( Sept Print comp as Subject Line.
Categories are: Landscape, Portrait, Nature and Open. Open for any image that does not fit the three named categories.
High resolution jpg to A3 size preferred for ease of viewing. Members get to keep their prints with no cost to them.

September 23rd – Committee Meeting 7.30 pm (Committee Members only)
October 4th – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Craig Irvine talks about Sport photography and his journey to full accreditation. With additional collaboration from Stephen Barnes and Mick Massey.
November 1st – Club Meeting 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Brian White talks about colour calibration - what it does and how to use it
and also saving an image for printing with embedded profile
December - Club subs due
December  6th – 7:30 Christmas Party / Get-together
Groove Pad, Saltaire Road. (Same place as last year. just along from our club room)
December 20th – Committee Meeting 7.30 pm via zoom (Committee Members only)
January 10th 2024 – Club Annual General Meeting  7.30pm – 9.30pm
This meeting is a week later, 10th NOT the 3rd.
Also showing after AGM - Members favourite photos.

Your favourite image. E-mail one image to the club e-mail address to be shown on the night and each member will talk briefly on why that image is special to them.

Events under consideration:
Astro Photography Talk
Studio Night (possibly at Opus again)
Printing and how to set up.
Models in a park (probably Lister Park for its scenery)
Model Railways
Undercliffe Cemetery (Strictly Victorian area only)
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