All members are expected to be courteous and respectful to each other.
There is a bar at the Social Club that members are encouraged to support in moderation; tea and coffee are served as well as alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Drunk and disorderly members will be removed from the bar and also the Camera Club.
Please be aware of drink/drive limits.
Bullying, disorderly, inappropriate, abusive or intrusive behaviour, be it written or verbal, toward any other member or member of the public that has the potential to bring the club into disrepute will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The committee will remove any member reported and proven to have disobeyed this rule.
Please be aware of drink/drive limits.
Bullying, disorderly, inappropriate, abusive or intrusive behaviour, be it written or verbal, toward any other member or member of the public that has the potential to bring the club into disrepute will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The committee will remove any member reported and proven to have disobeyed this rule.
Experienced photographers will be encouraged to help and assist those less experienced than themselves.
Members are requested, but not compelled, to give talks and/or presentations to the club meetings about any photography related topic that they are comfortable with. Max duration 1-1¼ hours. (Laptop, projector and screen are available at most meetings).
Criticism of members photographs must only be offered when the person posting the image has requested Constructive Criticism (or its abbreviation of CC).
All comments must be tasteful and polite.
Any images posted to the club Facebook pages must be family-friendly (no nudity or animals in distress, injured or dead).
Members are encouraged to invite other photographers to become members by inviting them to a free first club meeting
Once membership fees have been paid they will be asked to join the club Facebook Group (which is Private) and optionally the club Flickr Group following approval by Committee and Admins. The club website and Flickr Group are both public, as is the club YouTube Channel. Automatic approval is not permitted as this will bypass the vetting system that enables us to ensure we maintain a safe and friendly club.
If you are unable to attend a club meeting or an event that you have indicated that you will attend, please let a Committee member or an admin know at the earliest possible opportunity.
Once membership fees have been paid they will be asked to join the club Facebook Group (which is Private) and optionally the club Flickr Group following approval by Committee and Admins. The club website and Flickr Group are both public, as is the club YouTube Channel. Automatic approval is not permitted as this will bypass the vetting system that enables us to ensure we maintain a safe and friendly club.
If you are unable to attend a club meeting or an event that you have indicated that you will attend, please let a Committee member or an admin know at the earliest possible opportunity.
The Committee will have the final say in any dispute.
Admins must not be ‘Blocked’ on any of our social media pages or groups.